Forum update with extra Anti-spam

Obviously anything relating to the forum board.

Forum update with extra Anti-spam

Unread postby Admin » Mon 10 Jan 2011 1:29 am

Well folks here we are with a good 48 hours under our belt, with 4 new members and not a single spammer attempting to register an account. I am totally amazed at the difference.
A year ago I was getting no new members, but about 2 - 3 spammers per day and up to 10 not activated accounts that appeared to be spammers. I tell you it was quite a trick checking on and recording all those email addresses and IP addresses trying to work out which ones were spammers and which ones were possibly legitimate; I think there may have been the odd legitimate one I deleted. Now if I'm unsure I can quickly check with a fantastic site called "stop forum spam" and I have installed a module here developed especially to check new registrations with their data base.
To those there and the ones at phpBB that helped me when I thought I had lost the forum completely (I couldn't even get into the control panel getting FATAL ERROR messages) I thank you most humbly and sincerely.
To all the members I hope you get something out of (or give something to others) through the sharing that this forum allows.
I love you all! Mitakuye Oyasin!
Yours in Spirit
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Site Admin
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Joined: Sun 13 Sep 2009 12:02 am

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