Black smith hand made iron shears

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Black smith hand made iron shears

Unread postby Admin » Wed 16 Sep 2009 1:03 am

Originally posted by: Kathryn 01:18 AM on 17th July 2009

I use these to cut cords of energy that may cause draining or back flow.

If you had or even used such a tool, how would you use it and when?

Yours with the Trees

Yours in Spirit
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Re: Black smith hand made iron shears

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Wed 16 Sep 2009 2:22 am

Namaste' Kathryn

I have no idea what "black smith hand made iron shears" actually are, but it sounds like a pair of tin snips made by hand the old fasioned way and normally used for cutting roofing iron. As with any cutting tool it could be used symbolically with the intention of cutting any bond between two or more spirits where this bond is stopping the growth of one or more of the individuals. One could even use a cord of string or rope to symbolise the bond.

In the case of these heavy shears, able to cut something as strong and solid as metal quite thick I would imagine, I could use them to symbolically cut the most powerful bond ever. I'm sure I could even cut a strong bond between a mother and her child like butter with a hot knife if need be. And I'm sure there would be a lot of people out there who would use them to cut the emotional ties with ex-partners.
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