Oil leak?

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Oil leak?

Unread postby zoonnahigaphy » Mon 31 May 2010 5:08 pm

You've probably noticed the huge oil leak near the Gulf. Ya think it will have a sizeable damaging effect on our animal population near Mexico?
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Re: Oil leak?

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Mon 31 May 2010 7:33 pm

Namaste' zoonnahigaphy
Welcome to the forum, I hope we can have some intelligent and insightful communication that might help all the people who come across this forum; I look forward to futher postings from you.
Regarding your question, all oil spills do damage to some of our relations, especially those that live in the water. And no matter how great or small the damage that man does to any of these other beings who share our delicate Mother Earth, it is an unfortunate loss. We must all do what we can, as humans, to stop any unnecessary damage to our Mother Earth and all her children, but that does not mean fighting anyone, it means using these products to a bare minimum and only for essential purposes, thereby minimising any further damage. If everyone stopped going anywhere and was happy to live in their community helping to do whatever was necessary to provide the community’s basic needs of food, shelter, and love (none of which needs to be fancy), then we, as humanity, would not need any oil and it would stay in the earth as nature intends.
I hope this helps.
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Sitting Owl
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