Mind Chatter Box

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Mind Chatter Box

Unread postby ukorhideja » Sat 29 May 2010 9:13 pm

How to stop your mind's chatter box, especially when it wants to complain, judge or just be angry at somebody instead of forgiving and letting go. How to learn really "let go" not just say it and feel it otherwise?
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Re: Mind Chatter Box

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Sun 30 May 2010 2:24 am

Namaste' ukorhideja

The best practice is the age old, tried and true, simple practice of stilling the mind or meditation. However you must not be confused here with guided meditation. The whole idea is to gain control of your own mind from ego (yes the incessant mind chatter). So this practice of meditation takes a long time before we can even experience a brief lack of mind chatter; and yes, when that is achieved it comes with a euphoric high like illumination or enlightenment, but that is not the purpose. The purpose is to gradually gain enough control that we are no longer at the mercy of our ego, who, by the way, will always be speaking of things like fears, desires, and social duties; so intuition, higher self, or whatever you call it, will always be speaking of Bliss (if you haven’t read Joseph Campbell’s explanation of Bliss, keep reading my stuff, it’s quoted all over the place). Bliss is not always socially acceptable or what others would think is best for you, but there is a deep burning in each person’s soul (heart) to be doing something and when they do it, like I’m communicating spiritual stuff with you, it is their (my) Bliss and it feels good, but not ecstatic or exciting like entertainment, drugs or the likes. There is a part in you that knows that this is what your soul wants. When you get that, don’t let anything sway you, not even me.

Also remember that all the emotions that Great Spirit has given us have their purpose, for example anger and aggression certainly clear the air, like a thunder storm, for new beginnings. The Thunder Beings are quite special to indigenous people and are often represented as the Thunder Bird.

And remember that sometimes if we forgive we are actually forgiving some actions that don’t deserve our forgiveness. For example it is wrong to forgive the all the acts of murder, rape, etc., but sometimes we have to forgive a person mainly to free our own soul, because we really are one on that level, and sometimes we have to also forgive that person to free our body of their ‘unconscious’ actions because they leave that energy within our unconscious ‘cellular memory. We can forgive a person when we know in our heart that society and all of its conditioning is to blame for their actions and that on the soul level we are also to blame.

You see forgiveness is an interesting subject; ultimately if we see that all is one, there is no need for forgiveness, but your post indicated that you had mind chatter problems “especially when it wants to complain, judge or just be angry at somebody instead of forgiving and letting go.” So I am addressing these types of mind chatter.

In your post about psychic abilities you commented on another post referring to ‘The truth of reality, so we are talking about truth, yet the sages speak of it by many names (Upanishads). And reality, well reality is whatever you think it is (Shaman principle - Ike) and everyone thinks differently.

Another example of forgiveness is the story of the doctor in the mental prison who used Hoponopono, another aspect of the shaman principle Pono. He read the charts of each patient and forgave himself for that aspect of the patient that is in himself; eventually they closed the prison because all the patients became well.

But for us that are not so fully enlightened it helps us to remember that when we see something that angers us or is unfair, something we want to find blame for (it is part of our wanting to find reason), the bigger picture is that there is a non entity, a force, something not tangible that we can blame that includes ourself as well as any or all individuals (opening up the consciousness of oneness) and that is society. And regarding the judgement that makes it all possible, I remind you that Jesus was judging and angry at the people selling their wares on the steps of the church. It all depends on whether our judgements are from ego wanting to have power over others or if our judgments come from compassion for those who suffer at the hands of the people who are unconscious of their ego driven and selfish actions. It’s ultimately all about awareness and helping others to be aware of their actions and habits one way or another, but nothing is ever guaranteed. If this doesn’t help your confusion or just makes things more confusing then don’t worry because the only tool that anyone, enlightened or otherwise, has to communicate and share is words and it doesn’t matter what language, they are all limiting and we are trying use them to talk about the unlimited, unspeakable, unknowable aspect of life that is beyond, yet within, everything; the great mystery. If we can always bring our mind to that, we can let go of anything.
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Sitting Owl
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