How to develop psychic abilities?

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How to develop psychic abilities?

Unread postby ukorhideja » Sat 29 May 2010 9:07 pm

What about those who are not experienced spirit listener? How to be able to develop your psychic and ability to differ between ego and heart conversation?
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Re: How to develop psychic abilities?

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Sun 30 May 2010 1:15 am

Namaste' ukorhideja
I believe that in our original communication on this you began by saying:
I was reading one of your forums, and I came a cross the "truth about reality" conversation. The part that intrigued me was where it says that the best way to know the truth is by listening to yourself.

Regarding the posts you mentioned, which I had to re-read, you may notice that what I and ‘myhope’ said was:
“always trust yourself and never negate your intuition regardless of what others think”.
That means to trust your intuition, which is very different from ego. Usually the best way to sense the difference is that ego feels like it comes from the head, whereas intuition comes from your heart. I had someone I told this to and later they said that they had an eye flicker (you know where you can feel it but not see it) when her ego was talking, and she felt a warmth from her heart when intuition was talking. Another difference is that ego speaks with a loud voice and intuition, which is the Self, Great Spirit, God, etc., speaks in a soft and gentle voice; except for if we are in danger, but usually then any listening is switched off and we act out pure spirit.

Also don’t be fooled by some of those psychics that are often channelling their own lower conscious, but in symbolic form; to be a true psychic does not take learning and it can’t be taught, it is a gift that is often in people who are labelled by our society as mental, you know the ones that are always talking to them self, or are they?

One of the best ways to know what is ego and what is intuition is by the truth of them, but sometimes this takes a while before we realise what is true and what is not. This is what is meant in the bible by true and false prophets. We can all prophesise; the only difference is if ego is doing it or Great Spirit.
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Sitting Owl
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