Layers of Meaning

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Layers of Meaning

Unread postby Admin » Mon 14 Sep 2009 7:02 pm

Originally posted by: Lex 11.16pm 14th April 2009

Hi Sitting Owl, and everyone!

I'm thinking about layers of meaning today.

What do I mean by that?

Well, years ago, when I first started to participate in ceremony, I saw some amazing stuff. I was pretty fascinated, and somewhat impressed by what I saw. But I was only seeing the first layer of meaning. As the years have passed, I can look back with an understanding that realizes how little I actually comprehended. I thought I was seeing soooo much, and it was just the tip...

Now, when I do anything new, I KNOW I am only getting the first layer.

And it gets easier & easier for me to be patient with the process.

"Uh-huh, OK, I know, more will be revealed..."

The more I learn, the more I find I don't know, if that makes any sense.

There seems to be a learning curve that teaches us humility, and the layers upon layers of meaning inherent in the word "Mystery."

I don't mean to be oblique here, and I have no idea why I'm waxing philosophical tonight, except that it's raining, and I'm sitting here alone with a candle & a cat, looking for all the world like a crazy old witch...

The thunder rumbles, as if in answer to that last sentence.


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Re: Layers of Meaning

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Mon 14 Sep 2009 8:38 pm

Originally posted 04:57 AM on 15th May 2009

Namaste' Lex

Thanks for that post, it is actually very important for people to know that, as too many people get first level understanding and think they have it all and go out teaching and doing ceremony.

I had an experience where a seeker who would visit me regularly asking me questions and learning about Spirit and after a couple of years he said "Now I understand the Medicine Wheel." Then a year later, and then yet another year or so later still, he said the same thing. The Medicine Wheel has so many layers of teaching and understanding that I'm still finding new understandings of life from it. No wonder the Native Americans do everything in fours in recognition of the four directions.
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Re: Layers of Meaning

Unread postby Admin » Mon 14 Sep 2009 10:41 pm

Posted by: Kathryn on 30th May 2009

at 11:16PM on May 14, 2009

Hi Sitting Owl, and everyone!

I'm thinking about layers of meaning today.

What do I mean by that?

Well, years ago, when I first started to participate in ceremony, I saw some amazing stuff. I was pretty fascinated, and somewhat impressed by what I saw. But I was only seeing the first layer of meaning. As the years have passed, I can look back with an understanding that realizes how little I actually comprehended. I thought I was seeing soooo much, and it was just the tip...

Now, when I do anything new, I KNOW I am only getting the first layer.

And it gets easier & easier for me to be patient with the process.

"Uh-huh, OK, I know, more will be revealed..."

The more I learn, the more I find I don't know, if that makes any sense.

There seems to be a learning curve that teaches us humility, and the layers upon layers of meaning inherent in the word "Mystery."

I don't mean to be oblique here, and I have no idea why I'm waxing philosophical tonight, except that it's raining, and I'm sitting here alone with a candle & a cat, looking for all the world like a crazy old witch...

The thunder rumbles, as if in answer to that last sentence.



With layers of meaning, could it have much to do with maturity? What I mean to say is as a child, time slows down and the world is huge but as we get older time speeds up and the world becomes smaller.

Yours with the Trees
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Re: Layers of Meaning

Unread postby Alexandria » Sat 08 Oct 2011 6:55 pm

HI every one
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