Yuwipi Ceremony

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Yuwipi Ceremony

Unread postby sunmoonstarlex » Tue 10 Nov 2009 4:42 pm

Sitting Owl, have you ever been to a Yuwipi Ceremony?
It's a lot like a lowanpi, but with the medicine man tied up in a star quilt.
We went to one on Saturday night, in New Jersey, which is rare. Normally, you have to go to South Dakota, but a metaphysical center gave the leader airline tickets.
(I can't say who it was, to protect his anonymity.)
One thing I never thought about before is that it's a very LOUD ceremony.
I don't mean the drumming & singing, we're used to that, but the spirit noise.
Crazy rattling, banging, whistling, laughter, etc.
They even played with everything on the altar, stuff flying around the room.
I didn't mind it, of course, I like noise.
Especially when I'm singing in Lakota, 'cause then nobody can hear my mistakes!
Anyway, it was a powerful ceremony.
I highly recommend it.
I'm still vibrating, all holy-magicked up.
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Re: Yuwipi Ceremony

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Wed 11 Nov 2009 12:25 pm

Namaste' Lex
Wow no, I haven't been to one, but I have heard a lot about them in Wallace Black Elk's book, Fred Alan Wolf's 'The Eagle's Quest' and others. I believe that often when Thomas Mails visited Grandpa Fools Crow, he was 'wrapped up' doing some healing for a person. As far as I know there is usually a very important and specific reason for a Yuwipi Ceremony and it is never done as a show of power or to convince the sceptics. In fact, if there is a sceptic present the Medicine Person can be injured by the Spirits' antics. It is usually a very closed Ceremony, only for specially invited people; you must be quite a special person. Maybe it has something to do with that vision you shared with us, so don't forget to call for help to hold up the centre of the world.
I dare say I will never experience one, since I'm now unlikely to get over your side of the world, physically anyway. I tried once when I still had some of my father's inheritance money, but the U.S. Embassy wouldn't accept me. So I spent it on helping Elders and Medicine People come over here for some gatherings; some of these people you know. And I believe that the Medicine People who can run such a ceremony can only do it in their general area, since the further a Medicine Person goes from their area, the weaker is their power and connection to the Spirit world; maybe that is why Spirit is keeping me in this country and why, for a long time it kept me from leaving the state of Victoria, for spiritual matters at least. My first spiritual gathering outside Victoria was in 2005 at Menindee NSW, near Broken Hill, and I have attended 5 others outside Victoria since, and only two within the state. Not counting every time two or more people come together in a sacred manner, which is a weekly occurrence.
Thanks for all your sharing; it's great to have you here.
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Sitting Owl
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Re: Yuwipi Ceremony

Unread postby Pony » Wed 11 Nov 2009 9:23 pm

Good evening, Sitting Owl.

I heard about Yuwipi from a friend of mine, who attended one in South Dakota last year. I would love to get you guys together, for sharing I mean. Both of you, Australian men, with a strong connection with Spirit and the traditions of the American people.

Anything is possible, perhaps you may be travelling to America some time? Who knows what is in store for each one of us?

Thanks again for giving your time for others to come to ceremony.
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Re: Yuwipi Ceremony

Unread postby sunmoonstarlex » Tue 24 Nov 2009 12:49 pm

Yah, that's true about the connectedness with a particular part of Mother Earth...
Luckily, here, it's ALL Turtle Island, whether South Dakota or Pennsylvania. But when I've gone out there to SD, no matter how powerfully the Plains have affected me, I am invariably thrilled to get back to the rolling hills & woodlands of home. Folks from SD say the same thing in reverse...though there are a few elders we know who would opt for the comforts of the east in a heartbeat every winter! Can't say I blame 'em. They've already had snow there, & there's a coat & blanket drive in progress.
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Re: Yuwipi Ceremony

Unread postby sunmoonstarlex » Tue 24 Nov 2009 1:08 pm

Oh, and BTW, I'm no more "special" than anyone else who respects & GIVES to ceremony instead of trying to buy a way in & "get" something from it.
Cultural protocols are funny, and it's easy for people from the dominant culture to make all kinds of alienating mistakes. Like eye-contact & asking a bunch of questions, which is perceived as aggressiveness.
The reason I don't have that problem is that I guess I know how to shut up & listen until it's time to look down at the ground & say, "Maybe there's something you would like someone to do..."
And of course it helps to have friends in low places.
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