Lakota Sundance

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Lakota Sundance

Unread postby Admin » Mon 14 Sep 2009 7:16 pm

Originally posted by: Lex 4.58 pm on 25th Aug 2009

Hi Sitting Owl & all,

Well, we just got back from the Standing Bear 2009 Sundance, which was held at the Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary for Earth Religion, in western Pennsylvania. It was, once again, an incredible experience. We got there on Tree day, just in time to help cut & bring it into the arbor. We had two Drums this year, led by ceremonial singers Jimmy Roach and Willie Black Cat. Our representative Elder was Uncle Vern American Horse, who we count upon to give a good report to the Tribal Council.

In my job as camp manager, I had a great opportunity to serve, and a really effective way to share the teaching that "work is worship." LOL!

I'm still vibrating dance energy, and at this point, mere words fail me, it's impossible to know what to say about it all, but if anyone has any questions about the ceremony, I'd be happy to answer.

Mitakuye Oyasin!
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