Love journey

Emotions; the Energy (Spirit) in Motion. The effects of cellular memory. Some from the universal fundamentals of the dual nature of manifest life, and some from personal, sometimes traumatic, experiences.

Love journey

Unread postby amandarose » Wed 16 Sep 2009 9:32 pm

Well I did it again as my Dad would know, I went back to my daughters father in the hope that I could have that 'happy family'. I did everything the perfect wife would do, Andy's part was not quite purfect... Inbetween the usual belittling comments, harsh comments, stupid questions, crude jealousy (and the list could go on); I was busy with cleaning, cooking, looking after Alice, feeding pets, helping to train the puppy and trying to take care of myself. If all this sounds like alot of stress, imagine this, first there was an issue with him hiding a text message... from a GUY! Then the list went on to some shocking things. Any hope that I ever had of us being together was gone, not that there was much to left to begin with even before I gave him this chance, but that was it, for the next month and a half I had appointments for help with housing and emotional battles. It was so hard living there with him after 7yrs of controlling, emotional and physical abuse that I couldn't even wait this last 2-3weeks to get a tempory unit (which I am very lucky to get) so now I'm staying with my Mum and Stepdad until then. I have learnt alot from him that can not be explained and I will never be able to trust him in any way again! All this happens for a reason and I have come to the end of that journey and am completly ready for my next one!! If you read this, thanks for taking the time to care about the end of the journey that took me away from my real life, I'm here now and I hope there will never be a reason to leave again. Until its time to go on to a whole new life.
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Re: Love journey

Unread postby Star Gazer » Fri 09 Oct 2009 12:38 pm

Welcome amandarose
Good for you! Don't put up with that ever again, no one needs or deserves that sort of treatment.
However lessons are always hard won, but when learnt they bring a great deal of wisdom.
Good luck on your new journey and welcome to your real life; one with a close connection to God.
As Sitting Owl would say "Follow Your Bliss".
In Love and Compassion
Star Gazer
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Star Gazer
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Re: Love journey

Unread postby amandarose » Mon 12 Oct 2009 8:56 pm

Thanks for the reply and I am certainly following my bliss, I was before too and I know everything happens for a reason even if we can't see how, even bad things. I look forward to everything in life and am now doing amazing things that will show one day. The journey was bigger than just me.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed 16 Sep 2009 8:50 pm

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