we all have different abilities

Every gift from Great Spirit comes with great power and also great responsibility. Share your psychic experiences and gifts here.
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we all have different abilities

Unread postby little owl » Wed 23 Sep 2009 4:02 pm

Every one of us has our own unique abilities; the responsibility comes in the wisdom of choosing between what you can do and what you do; and wisdom cannot be bought, it has to be walked every day and every night of every year. Gifts are given freely, but wisdom is always hard won. :-)

little owl
(posted from old forum)
little owl

Re: we all have different abilities

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Wed 23 Sep 2009 4:28 pm

Welcome little owl
A ho!
Well said, and it also needs to be walked every second.
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Sitting Owl
Posts: 47
Joined: Sun 13 Sep 2009 12:27 am
Location: Ballarat Vic. Australia

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