The truth about reality

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The truth about reality

Unread postby Admin » Tue 15 Sep 2009 1:04 am

Originally posted by: myhope 3.41pm on 23rd Aug, 2009

Please read this entire post!

What I will say, some of you may not believe it , and you will not
want want to believe it ( and I will explain exactly why ) , but it
is the truth

As many of you are searching for the truth thing to understand
what reality is what is your place in it , you may investigated the
cases of alien contactees , and analyzed the information provided.
Some of the information from those aliens reveal to you that you are
an immortal spiritual being. And those aliens came here to help us

Now please read on. We are immortal spiritual beings we create
realities to enjoy ourselves. Aliens that want to help us are not
helping us , are killing us. If we are immortal spiritual beings why
we would ever want to experience death and suffering. This reality ,
the Universe is a soul death camp . Evolution is nothing more that
the process of death. There are aliens( and I will mention those
later with proof) that conduct genetic experiments on us to modify
their bodies in order to become more human. Why they want to do this?

Us humans are still new in this Universe(death camp) and can
experience emotions , most advanced aliens can not experience this
anymore. If evolution is making us emotionless how is that a good
thing. We are immortal beings , one of those spirits ( I believe he
revealed himself in the past as Anu the king of Annunaki ) is the one
responsible for this , he wants to remain the only spirit alive, to
be God.

You may ask how can we die if we are immortal , his
technique is deceivement , he called us in our natural state to
participate in making a reality to enjoy it , but in that process he
tricks us and confuses us to not distinguish between reality and
illusion and traps us in this illusion, once in control of our
illusion he is in control of ourselves in this way manipulates us
in such a way that he strips away our consciousness and mergers it
with his , and lets us unaware that we even exist and makes us
forget of our existence and our ability. This is not a process that
lasts a fixed amount of time , this lasts forever , we are
disintegrated forever at an exponential rate.

Why does he do this , I don't know the exact reasons but a basic
rule is that everything is permitted.
The deception method he uses is a dualistic reality.
When you have feeling like love , comfort , those periods makes us
vulnerable and it is those periods when he acts . Have any of you
asked yourselves why the sentiment of love and comfort and all good

Good feelings always go away , and what follows are the bad
feelings , and after those you begin to have less feelings and become
emotionless, after a wile you begin to drink and/or smoke , or become
dependent on any vice what ever it may be, this is your desperate
attempt at connecting to yourself.

Every time when you seek salvation in something , be it information(
science, spirituality etc ) , vices , what you call entertainment
you always end up more lifeless , bored , sick of life , this is the
result of this death process and oblivion because it gets worse and

The more educated you become the more less you know and the more
unanswered question you have.
This world is a deception .
Please investigate some alien contactee cases , look at the proof
and ask yourself why some of the alien races want to genetically
alter they bodies to become more human and are afraid of loosing
their souls?

Remember to always trust yourself and never negate your intuition
regardless of what others think , even if they contradict you or
ridicule you.

Don't trust the ones that say are here to help us transcend or warn
us of an incoming disaster.

Investigate cases like
Jim Sparks
Alec Newald -( watch this )

( why the conversation with this man was abruptly interrupted when
others were left to disclose inside information ? )
And stop watching TV and movies , playing video games , reading
papers and books , listening to music and radio , stop living your
life with the consumer mentality , what are you waiting for , to be
saved , when salvation will arrive it will be too late ,
are you waiting for something to happen? that's the problem stop
waiting do something to repair your conditioned state!

This mentality ,all of us always wait for something to happen in
order to react/to do something , reflect on what I've said ask
yourself what someone would ever want to give you this information,
I am by all means sincere to you , he have a common problem and
apparently only together we can fix it.

About myself. I never drink , never consume drugs , never smoke, I
don't have any vices, and now I live as simple as I can and as
healthy as I can.

Thank you for your time reading this I realy apriciate it!
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Re: The truth about reality

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Tue 15 Sep 2009 1:42 am

Posted 9.47pm on 24th Aug. 2009

Namaste' myhope

Thanks for sharing, but this is not really even anything spiritual. However as there is ultimately no separation between spirit and matter; and because our psyche and our thinking are the connecting links between the two, what you say has some relevance. I think what you are actually describing, in a symbolic, Shamanic, and metaphoric way, is the EGO, which is very tricky indeed. Ego is basically what we think and the shaman principle IKE explains that what ever we think governs what we perceive as reality.

The best advice that anyone can give to anyone else is right there in your post and I must say it is of utmost importance; you said: "Remember to always trust yourself and never negate your intuition regardless of what others think , even if they contradict you or ridicule you."

When I read your post with ego in mind it makes sense, but as it is, and if taken literally, it is as much propaganda and fear driven as the subject of Terrorism and all of man’s wars in general.

There is nothing to fear except our own mind and the inventive ego, which will do anything to trick us into believing that we are under attack from some outer manifestation. This then causes us to shift our attention to outer circumstances so that we don’t discover the truth about our own inner mind and thinking processes. With full awareness of these inner processes we would see ego for what it is and would then let go of it and stop feeding it; and thus it would shrivel up and die. This is the whole idea and purpose of meditation; to practice quieting the mind and allowing our heart, our connection to Spirit, to speak to us; or correctly said; to allow us to listen to Spirit.

I have seen many people with Shamanic abilities who have been confused and labelled as idiots, mentally ill, schizophrenic, or any number of ways to describe confusion. This in turn makes these gifted people as confused about what is going on as the ones labelling them.

It is not so much that you are wrong as that you have, understandably, misinterpreted spiritual information. Spirit (higher conscious) and our own cellular memory (Lower conscious) can only speak to our ego (middle conscious) via symbolic, metaphoric messages that need to be interpreted. You, just like most people in this day and age, have interpreted the symbols as concrete physical reality instead of ways in which spirit communicates to us. This is such a difficult thing to try to explain that it is not surprising to me that you interpreted things as physical reality instead of metaphoric of spiritual truths.

I hope you understand what I’m saying here and I hope it helps you to understand what you are experiencing.
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