When asking permission to heal

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When asking permission to heal

Unread postby Admin » Mon 14 Sep 2009 8:21 pm

Originally posted by: Kathryn 1.14am on 18th July 2009

I understand that one should always ask permission from their own connection to spiritual energy to heal another. Even when they are given permission from the patient to proceed. One could get an answer "Yes, No, Not now".

I have talked to many and I am finding those new to the path of healing, do not seem to understand the answer "no" or "Not now" when it comes to healing someone. They assume the sick in front of them should be made whole no matter what.

Could you explain futher, Should one ask a spirit for permission to heal? Do you at times hear "no" or "not now"? What do you think gives circumstance to a "no" or "not now"? What is the next step you would take after such an answer?

I look forward to your thoughts on this topic.

Yours with the Trees
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Re: When asking permission to heal

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Mon 14 Sep 2009 8:26 pm

Originally posted 4.01am on 18th July 2009

Namaste' Kathryn

Thanks so much for this topic and what you have shared on this 'asking of permission', which is what everyone should be doing one way or another to show their respect to all the different forms around them. But Great Spirit or what ever you call the highest power (I liked what you said: "their own connection to spiritual energy") gives us all the free right to think anything we like; and because of 'Ike' we have the world as we know it. This also means that all those permissions are already given and we are not given any abilities that won't help us all to grow one way or another personally and universally. However it is always nice to play with the forms when you respect the sacredness of every form life takes; therefore the niceties are one way of showing your respects.

Hopefully this answers your ideas and question regarding asking Spirit. Regarding how one might receive the answer or what the content on that answer is, is totally individual and at times, depending on the awareness of the individual, may be receiving some symbolic message from their own personal unconscious; or what I call cellular memory. I personal just have knowing about whatever I need to know that is difficult to describe any other way. So when I need to back off I just do and when I need to wait, that wait just comes sometimes forced by Great Spirit, Nature, or the forms of life around me.

If the answer is most definitely coming from that highest power, then the only thing to do is to act immediately to the dictates of the answer given. Anything else is simply not following your bliss; as described in numerous places throughout my web site and other sites, forums, facebook, myspace etc.

Thanks again for such an important discussion topic.
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Re: When asking permission to heal

Unread postby Admin » Tue 15 Sep 2009 12:40 am

Originally posted by: Kathryn 1.23am on 19th July 2009


Then I have another question. Have you ever come across a situation that if you start to heal a person, you believe you may actually hurt them.

This maybe a very personal question so I understand if it is one you can not answer in this forum.

thanks for hearing my words

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Re: When asking permission to heal

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Tue 15 Sep 2009 1:53 am

Originally posted: 6.29am on 19th July 2009

Namaste' Birch

Life; birth and death are always in accord with each other, as is all pairs of opposites; so too are healing, curing, and harming all related. If something is born into form, that birth creates it's own death of form also. Whenever we try to help with healing, curing, or helping in any way; we are also harming some other form. For example: when we help someone become aware of something that was unconscious (cellular memory) and harmful to the individual, we are bringing a death to the automatic programing, the form, and the cellular memory of that unconscious element. This is the basic concept of understanding the dual nature of form; it is both of any pair of opposites you can think of, and everything we think is in pairs of opposites, because the brain is also form.

I hope this answers your question.

We must also remember that none of us, as individual forms, are healers because that is one of the powers of Great Spirit and His helpers the Directions. But if we are truely humble clean bones and free of ego, then we may be a good channel for Great Spirit to work in and through.
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Re: When asking permission to heal

Unread postby Admin » Tue 15 Sep 2009 2:42 am

Originally posted by: little owl 01:14 AM on 26th Aug 2009

Sometimes a person is not ready to heal. Sometimes it may seem that the person, becomes ill then goes to a healer to be healed, but what they are actually going for is to ask for the permission to stop doing something that they can't cope with and actually harms their spirit to do, for example a certain type of job, thus they stick at the job, feeling unable to just leave; they then create within themselves the illness in order to to receive persmission to stop. Sometimes the barrier to someone being healed is their fear to stop doing what is harming them. Often for fear of consequences, there is a lot of guilt tied up in letting others down, fears of not being a good provider for family etc. Healing someone else isn't really about the healer it's about the person who has come to be healed. They wont let go of theirs fears and illnesses until they want to :-)
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Re: When asking permission to heal

Unread postby little owl » Wed 23 Sep 2009 4:10 pm

Sometimes a person is not ready to heal. Sometimes it may seem that the person, becomes ill then goes to a healer to be healed, but what they are actually going for is to ask for the permission to stop doing something that they can't cope with and actually harms their spirit to do, for example a certain type of job, thus they stick at the job, feeling unable to just leave; they then create within themselves the illness in order to to receive persmission to stop. Sometimes the barrier to someone being healed is their fear to stop doing what is harming them. Often for fear of consequences, there is a lot of guilt tied up in letting others down, fears of not being a good provider for family etc. Healing someone else isn't really about the healer it's about the person who has come to be healed. They wont let go of theirs fears and illnesses until they want to. :D

little owl
(Originally posted by: little owl 01:14 AM on 26th Aug 2009 from old forum)
little owl

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