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What does "ike" mean

Unread postPosted: Wed 23 Sep 2009 12:27 pm
by Kathryn

In several of your articles and answers to me you refer to "ike" such as... " us all the free right to think anything we like; and because of 'Ike' we have the world as we know it."

I am unable to find an explanation and so was curious.

thanks :-)

Re: What does "ike" mean

Unread postPosted: Wed 23 Sep 2009 12:38 pm
by Sitting Owl
It's one of the Shaman Principles found on my web site articles. Here is the link to that article:

It is there where you'll find my summarized version from the book: 'Urban Shaman' by: Serge Kahilli King; he is a master practitioner of the Hawiian Shamanic tradition, and also one of my friends at facebook.