Duality and living in both terms.

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Duality and living in both terms.

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Sun 13 Sep 2009 5:27 pm

"We want to talk about God; God is a name, God is a thought, God is an idea, but its reference is to something that transcends all thinking. He is beyond all categories of being and non-being. He neither is nor is not...
"Whenever one moves out of the transcendent [Universal Spirit of God. Ed.], one comes into a field of opposites. One has eaten of the tree of knowledge, not only of good and evil, but also of male and female, of right and wrong... Everything in the field of time is duel: past and future, dead and alive, being and non-being, [love and hate. Ed.]. But the ultimate pair in the imagination [psyche. Ed.] is that of male and female...
"One of the problems of life is to live with the realisation of both terms, that is to say, "I know the centre and I know that good and evil are simply temporal aberrations, and that in God's view, there is no difference.""
By: Joseph Campbell from: 'The Power of Myth'

This is our experience as manifest beings, but we can bring our mind to the middle by being aware of both opposites; by seeing the good in the evil and the evil in the good; and the spirit in the matter.
This is where the Medicine Wheel helps us to balance spirit with matter and vise versa, and to balance the mind, thinking and knowledge with emotions, trust, innocence and cellular memory. When we look inward and outward at the same time through practiced meditation; and live with our receptive inner female and active inner male we become more balanced.
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Sitting Owl
Posts: 47
Joined: Sun 13 Sep 2009 12:27 am
Location: Ballarat Vic. Australia

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