Touching The World

A forum to explore and discuss ideas and or experiences of the afterlife; the place of pure spirit or the limbo between worlds. Remember that this a place of pure consciousness which is ultimately beyond comprehension by the mind.

Touching The World

Unread postby Morning Star » Thu 17 May 2012 8:36 am

The place of pure spirit exists within, in my perception, and not only in the afterlife.
It is intangible, and is experienced in the deepest place that we can access in our inner communion with the Divine/Spirit. It is the depth, the deep well where time and space dissolve and we find ourself in the place where we are one. Here we can touch all realms, all places, and this is a place where energetic spheres combine in a total oneness, in union with the Divine or All-That-Is (in whatever way we each perceive or experience this.)

Ah... then comes the time to return from that deepness, that deep and beautiful well and dream that exists within that majesty of Oneness. We are stirred to bring to bear a taste, or an expression, of what we have found there and bring it back with us into life--or the middle world as Celtic Shamanism refers to this.

Like the Shaman retrieves the soul fragments and return them to the whole, on an inverse journey we bring from that place of wholeness/oneness components that are given expression to as rainbows from our experience from that At-One-ment. Unlike soul fragments, these rainbows are whole, complete, and yet like light refracted through a prism, they simply reflect as aspect of that which we have found within the depths.

It is so hard to put into worlds the experience with that intangible presence that is Spirit. Prose feels so cumbersome in this regard. I find the meaning flows more readily through my poems, that engender less of the left brain, and seem to flow more from the heart and spirit. So I leave you with one such poem that seems to reflect some of my own experience in the deep place of Spirit and the wisdom I received there regarding sharing.

Touching The World

What is this presence that you have found?

A sacred well, of infinite,
that you drink from,
that brings light to your soul
and lifts it, at times,
from its silent revere
within the Divine,

so that its voice may arise
and touch this world,
if only for an instant
to bring to bear
a momentary sharing
of love,
of the light
that you have found.

The well is very deep
and will not be lost
in this sharing,
for you have made it your home
and so
you can
never be lost

if that's what your afraid of.
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Morning Star
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri 20 Apr 2012 5:25 am
Location: Calabasas, California, USA

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