Spirit Visitors or who?

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Spirit Visitors or who?

Unread postby ukorhideja » Sat 29 May 2010 9:11 pm

How to overcome fear of darkness. Sometime I don't feel very comfortable staying alone at home in the evening, especially, when my friends daughter, who visited us a week ago , she is 2.5 years old, ran downstairs screaming that she saw somebody on the first floor in my house, when the house was 100% empty of physical bodies. Since then I wonder who are my visitors?
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Re: Spirit Visitors or who?

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Sun 30 May 2010 2:03 am

Namaste' ukorhideja
Obviously your visitors are spirits, but that term is so misunderstood and difficult to explain. Firstly all spirit is energy, the unseen spirits are energies that have not been manifest yet or were manifest and have left their essence (spiritual footprint) around. But there is another form of spirit and it is thought energy or psychological footprints. In trying to understand these energies (spirits) we have all sorts of ways, and all of them are ultimately inadequate since the source of them all is beyond the concepts of duality (spirit and matter, light and dark etc.), which is another reason there is an inbuilt fear of darkness in us all (all the meanings of darkness); we are all aspects of the source and are uncomfortable with this duality that is manifest life.

Spirit, life, or energy is also consciousness and the best way to explain is via the tree major levels of consciousness. There is the higher conscious, the universal energies that are, in varying degrees, present in all forms of life and some of which have been manifesting since the beginning of time (remember time and space are relative and whatever is beyond them is ‘The Great Mystery’). Higher conscious is also the spirit world, but energy is also found within the physical cells of matter and these energies can be personal (footprints of personal experiences) and can also be cultural and universal; this is the consciousness of matter and is the Lower Conscious, or what I call cellular memory. These two levels are ‘unconscious’ to us unless we use our Middle Conscious (thinking or ego) to find some way of understanding these other two consciousnesses. Since these other two ‘spirits’ only communicate to our Middle Conscious via symbols and metaphors, we need to have some grasp on what the symbols mean and are therefore trying to say. This is the job of the Shaman or psychologist, but everyone is getting these symbolic messages all the time, and usually misunderstanding them, so that is why we all need to be in touch with the shaman or psychologist within; and that is what most ceremonies, traditional stories (on a cultural level), and rituals are for; to help us connect with the shaman within and to understand life.

So as you can see this subject is very deep, within us all, beyond everything manifest, difficult to explain, and yet is the basic stuff that has created everything in known and unknown worlds. It is the ultimate paradox!

And to answer your question; there is basically nothing to be fearful of except our own thinking, or ego consciousness. I acknowledge that most people refer to ego as that selfish, me, me, me, thinking, but the term was invented by the pioneers of psychology to refer to the realm of thinking, middle consciousness. It is important to remember that this middle conscious, or ego, is the only tool we have to discover the depths and heights of all life (Eckhart Tolle explains that there is only one life and any separateness is the illusion of form or manifestation). We also have the choice to have attachments to other peoples’ thinking; buying into their phobias etc. But if you truly understand the concept of oneness, then there is nothing to fear but the ‘self’ and all the individual thoughts of self; ego. This is not be confused with the ‘Self’ which is the ‘Great Mystery’.
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