In The Valley

Joseph Campbell says that the artists and poets are the shamans of today, and that they are the myth makers of their time.
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In The Valley

Unread postby Morning Star » Tue 19 Jun 2012 4:49 am

In the Valley
wild flowers sing with the breeze
and lakes protrude into the softness
of delicate hills, that gently furrow
beneath transient clouds.

The milky white of waters cascading
bring out the sunlight's dance
and the birds serenade,
in the symphony
of nature's stance
set against the backdrop of clear blue skies.

What bounty exists here
is outstanding
in her growth
and wonder.
Such majesty
cannot be taken
as happenstance,

for such a mural
as can be seen,
in the paradise
this place exudes,
can only come
from such an infinite mind
and boundless heart
that gave it
(for more poetry reading :)
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Morning Star
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Joined: Fri 20 Apr 2012 5:25 am
Location: Calabasas, California, USA

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