I'm Just Listening

Joseph Campbell says that the artists and poets are the shamans of today, and that they are the myth makers of their time.
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I'm Just Listening

Unread postby Morning Star » Thu 17 May 2012 8:12 am

I'm just listening
to the soul of the earth
from which we're all born
and are, therefore, all connected—
one to the other,
heart to heart,
soul to soul.

We are all a part of the wholeness
that this earth created within us.
And in Her
we see our true reflection.

May we tend to Her with love,
and in so doing
we tend to our own soul's
need for love and healing.
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Morning Star
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri 20 Apr 2012 5:25 am
Location: Calabasas, California, USA

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