Greetings Sitting Owl and Community. My name is dragonfly. I have joined this forum after following Spirit and wish to participate in discussion related to spirituality (both practice and theory), the cosmos and us as human beings and where we are likely headed as a race. I believe there is ultimately a higher reason for the courses we take and our actions and I am thankful to have come across your work Sitting Owl. I also have believed for a long time that whilst our people as a whole have been oppressed for centuries (some in worse ways than others), the light is strong and will prevail. Your site, this forum, the people connected all over the world are testament to this. Some might say that even the behaviour of Earth Mother and her allies over the past decade or two is even more so...
But as someone who tends to shy away from human contact, it is refreshing and most beautiful to see that the earth movement is strong and the people behind this push are knowledgeable, compassionate, beautiful people who seek to see the same realised in every other person who might like to learn and inhabit a land filled with love and light.
I thank Spirit, Sitting Owl and the rest of the greater Community for accepting me on this site and I look foward to more communicaton with all of you; my only hope is that I provide some interesting topic discussions and responses! Til then, D.