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Welcome All

Unread postPosted: Tue 24 May 2011 1:04 pm
by Sitting Owl
Namaste' and Welcome one and all
I warmly welcome those who wish to share anything here that is relevant to living as opposed to surviving. Therefore I expect members to do some sharing of any questions, comments, concerns, experiences, likes, dislikes, suggestions etc.
However I will not tolerate members who are just here to plug there website etc. and time always tells!

Re: Welcome All

Unread postPosted: Fri 20 Jan 2012 9:59 pm
by cloveclearly
Hi Sitting Owl, and all the others. We now have an opportunity that is unprecedented in known human history. We can connect, share and change the world together! I know what it takes to make and maintain a website. Thanks for your committment to this.

The world is changing, and we can go forward into a world where we learn to live lightly on the earth, despite our numbers. We can honor her and live our lives in dignity again. It comes from the heart, and from the habits. Sending Love, C. Love