Pow Wow Idol

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Pow Wow Idol

Unread postby sunmoonstarlex » Sat 17 Oct 2009 11:34 am

Forgive me, I just have to pass along this good spam from PowWows.com:

PowWows.com presents Pow Wow Idol. Pow Wow Idol is an online drum contest to
find the best unsigned drum group in Indian Country. The members of PowWows.com
will vote in a series of rounds to eliminate drums until a winner is chosen.


Drum groups will compete online to become the next Pow Wow Idol. The contest
will feature several rounds of competition where drummers will be required to
submit different songs such as Intertribals, Grand Entry, Flag Song, Contest
Song, 2 Step, Veteran and more.

The winner of Pow Wow Idol will be decided by you! Each round you will be able
to cast your vote for your favorite drum groups via an online poll, Twitter, and
text messages. Pow Wow Idol depends on you to help determine the winner.

Auditions for Pow Wow Idol are open to any unsigned Native American Pow Wow drum
group. Drum groups can apply via an online form:


Pow Wow Idol Prizes

* Produced and Recorded CD from DrumHop Productions
* Invited Drum at the 2011 Gathering of Nations
* 20 Free Nights at any Motel 6 in North America
* Host Drum on the Pow Wow Cruise
* Custom website designed and hosted by PowWows.com including a video blog and
* Video Camcorder
* 30" Custom Pow Wow Drum

2nd Place - 26" Custom Pow Wow Drum
3rd Place - 24" Custom Pow Wow Drum

Do you think your drum has what it takes to be the next Pow Wow Idol? Apply


Please help spread the word! Tell all your favorite drums about Pow Wow Idol!
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat 10 Oct 2009 5:47 am

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