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A Message from Jim Tree

Unread postPosted: Mon 14 Sep 2009 7:22 pm
by Admin
Originally posted by: Lex 8.53pm on 1st May 2009

Hi Sitting Owl!

This message came in on the Keepers list, thought I'd forward it to you in case anyone wants to participate.


Posted by: "jim tree" shcbv Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:03 pm (PDT)

Hi Everyone,

Two things first. This is not a fear based request, we have all the confidence that the Great Mystery has initiated this. Second thing, ifyou hold a Pipe, you hold a responsibility to use it for the good of all, that is what the first ones were given for, as well as all others since.

I am requesting you all to join in lifting this flu situation up in whatever form of prayer or mediation, etc. you do. Especially if you hold a pipe.

For those of you who will understand, I have placed tobacco out for this request as I cannot present it to you personally.

Here is the deal, this Saturday people all over the world are invited to send up requests to the Great Mystery for an intervention in this possible pandemic.

Before you say it is deserved, or that it is needed etc, let me remind you that you will be requesting for yourself, your family and your people, finally, for your race, the human race. The idea is to pray before you or someone you love gets it, damage control so to speak.

Here in Montana we will be in the sweat lodge with our pipes around 2pm, MT. time. At the direction of the elders we will be praying in that order, for ourselves, our families and our people.

I will post the results of our ceremony on Sunday if I can get to a computer.

Please pass this request on to other groups you are part of.

Jim Tree