The tradition is open...

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The tradition is open...

Unread postby sunmoonstarlex » Tue 20 Oct 2009 7:48 am

Reposted from White Bison, it meant a lot to me, so I wanted to share it:

"The teachings are for all, not just for Indians... The white people never wanted to learn before. They thought we were savages. Now they have a different understanding, and they do want to learn. We are all children of God. The tradition is open to anyone who wants to learn."
--Don Jose Matusuwa, HUICHOL

In the summer of 1994, a white buffalo calf was born. This means that now is the time for all races to come together. The Elders say that at this time a voice from within will speak to everyone. It will say now is the time to forgive, now is the time to come together. Are we willing to do this? Are we willing to quit judging other people? The Elders say, He will be talking through people of all races and gender. We need to open our hearts and welcome our brothers and sisters.
Great Spirit, let my ears be open as I walk the path You have chosen for me.
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Joined: Sat 10 Oct 2009 5:47 am

Re: The tradition is open...

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Tue 20 Oct 2009 9:59 pm

Namaste' Lex
And thanks for sharing that very succinct, yet complete, version of the message of the white buffalo calf. It is very important that people know that all the signs of humanities harmonious future are being fulfilled, which gives us all strength in knowing we are supported by the spirit world in our endeavours to heal humanity. We are truly on the edge of a great new world and it is an honour and a privilege, if not scary, to a part of it. Now all we have to do is to keep sharing until the critical mass awakens.
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Sitting Owl
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Location: Ballarat Vic. Australia

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