Life's Tapestry

Emotions; the Energy (Spirit) in Motion. The effects of cellular memory. Some from the universal fundamentals of the dual nature of manifest life, and some from personal, sometimes traumatic, experiences.

Life's Tapestry

Unread postby Morning Star » Wed 09 May 2012 8:20 am

Life's Tapestry

In the evening as the sunlights sets on the glistening waters, and the flowers turn their heads towards the golden light, a song of peace is born on the wings of a changing tide. And all becomes stilled in the quietness of the day that is ebbing, and awaiting the starlight to emerge.

Such a day, as this, is born on the majestic momentary glimpses that the day brings. Perhaps we turn this way or that way, in our choices. Perhaps there are moments where our feelings, our mood, dips, and other moments where our mood arises in the joy of loving that touches us by something that we see, or that is given by the Creator of All-That-Is.

As we surrender to these moments, we know that all is in perfect alignment to what we need, even when the tide rises to only then be stilled by a breath and an experience of great ease.

In all of this we are held in the hands of Our Creator, who has orchestrated everything, without us even knowing it. The One whose tapestry has woven the fabric of our hearts and our lives to His/Her Divine plan. We may have had glimpses, insights, as to what may be and why things have been, and yet behind it all, I believe, there is but one plan that Our Divine Source has had in mind.

It is simply to be in the majesty of the light that fills us, that filled me today, and to be guided to the grace that is found in our heart as we turn to the loving that truly has always been, and is the foundation of our being and everything that arises within this complex and beautiful creation that we call our life.

And then to know that we are enough, and everything has perfect alignment for us. We need be nothing more.
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Morning Star
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Re: Life's Tapestry

Unread postby Sitting Owl » Fri 11 May 2012 3:25 pm

Thank you for sharing this Morning Star. I see this as a great example of the energy of the West; the place of evening time, reflection on the day, change, transformation, and introspection. As well as being introspective as we reflect on the day's, year's, or life time's experiences it is important to have gratitude for everything that happened. Along with the good and inspiring experiences we must have gratitude for the unpleasant mistakes and lessons, for without them we would not grow.

I have heard that the coral that grows on the battering ocean side of a reef is bigger and has more vibrant colours than the coral on the sheltered land side. It is this darkness and battering that makes us stronger and more full of life, which is why all the Shamans and Medicine people have all had extreme hardship.
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Re: Life's Tapestry

Unread postby Morning Star » Sat 12 May 2012 5:51 am

Thanks Sitting Owl, for your reply to this post.

Interesting the info on the coral, and yes I love Shamanism, the idea that as we go into the depths of our experience we birth, and find, even more of Our light.

I look forward to reading more of your philosophy through this site.

Many thanks

Morning Star
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