posted 29th july 2009Namaste' Catherine
"how people (mostly men) close the door on someone and can manage not to look back. "
They learn to close themselves off to all forms of spirit and emotions to avoid being hurt any more, but that just hurts, damages, and kills our spiritual connection; sure they can still know knowledge, but have no wisdom. This subject of emotions are enormous because the majority of people in our society are riding what I call 'The Rollercoaster' of highs and lows, but if we are always trying to find the middle ground, we don't have to suffer as much; and in time the ups and downs seem to loose their extremes and we can cruise through any rough bits relatively easily. But this is also easily confused with the symptoms of shutting down to many outside observers. It sounds to me that the man you speak of has found that any contact brings up all sorts of emotional suffering and is therefore in avoiding mode.
I hope this helps, but feel free to question me further.