Namaste' Anomynous
VERY GOOD QUESTION! I actually have a lot to say on the matter and any awkwardness would be due me not understanding the dynamics of it all; as most men and women in our society don’t, but I will do my best to be brief
. Also see
‘Duality and the Order of Life and Energy’.
Yes I know the sleaze bags that don’t realise the damage they are doing to themselves, the women they come into contact with, and the healing industry; not to mention the brush that paints a picture of all men in the minds of women. This is because our society is quite sick and diseased, and this is just one of the many symptoms of a society that does not understand nature.
You very rightly picked up on a shamanic truth as I learnt from Fred Alan Wolf (the quantum physicist) that love and sexual energy is healing energy, but so too is photon (light) energy; and that doesn’t mean that the 50’s and 60’s hippy era of ‘free love’ (root anything and everything you desire) is the right answer, unless the question is how to over populate the earth. Actually the head hunter tribes had a really good answer to the population problem; a couple was not permitted to have a child until they got themselves a head. Which means that someone in the community had to die first; and that didn’t necessarily mean killing.
I will now speak of my understanding of how most indigenous people see polygamy (having more than one wife). If you understand the importance and respect that is given to women in those cultures you may have heard that it was quite within a wife’s right to leave the husband’s stuff at the door when he came home from hunting or whatever men do. This would make the man almost redundant in his tribe and he would have to go to another tribe to survive; if possible. So he would have to have done something pretty bad for that which is practically a death sentence. Only the very balanced and wise men ever had more than one wife and each wife would be treated as women expected to be treated; with utmost respect, gratitude, and honour.
Now to understand the more instinctual basis of sexual relations we can look at our slightly older relatives the chimpanzees and apes. Here in spite of the aggressive alpha male who ‘owns’ all the women this sort of thing still happened. However as women always have and always will have the last say as to who they have sex with, these females still chose to have sex with whomever they liked when the alpha male was not watching; usually on the outskirts of his territory or while he was sleeping. So again in all of nature the men are always looking for it, but only get it either through force, flattery, respect, or in the case you give, cunning deception. So you can see that it is mainly the women that choose who, when, if, where, and how many partners they have sex with. Nothing has really changed except the sophistication of the force, flattery, and deception; its time we learnt about the respect bit.
I would love to have a few wives looking after my needs and desires, but I really can’t look after one properly in this day and age; and desires are what keep me from my bliss. If that’s my fault, their fault, or just Great Spirit’s need to keep me focused on what is important, I don’t know, but I do know that every attempt has failed at just keeping one woman in my life and having a ‘relationship’. I have plenty of female friends, like you, but I don’t think I will ever have a ‘partner’. I have used the ‘_’ deliberately because I think I told you what the Dalia Lama says about romance and I find that that is what most women equate ‘relationship’ with; and ‘partner’ is usually a business relationship, just like most marriages in our society.
Mitakuye Oyasin means we are always in a relationship with all of life and this is where my last ‘partner’ could not understand that what she was wanting in a ‘relationship’ is what everyone deserves; and everyone also needs to feel special. I do in fact love, respect, and deeply care for every form that life takes including the things like ashtrays, glasses, plates, and spoons etc. They are our brothers too and deserve to be looked after, used and not abused or just tossed out of the way when we are not using it. That’s where she called me a perfectionist, but I know that only Great Spirit is perfect.
I could go on for hours here explaining what I mean, since I understand that everyone has some deep in ground thoughts, feelings, and cellular memories around this subject, not to mention that the coming together of the pairs of opposites (sex) is the ultimate in spiritual symbolism; as when the ‘male’ stem of the sacred pipe is inserted into the ‘female’, ‘Mother Earth’ bowl which also ‘receives’ the tobacco mix. Female is the Great Receiver of everything that needs to be made manifest. Quoting Joseph Campbell:
“The man’s function is to act.”
“The woman’s function is to be.”
“She’s “It.” She is Mother Earth.”
“Where agriculture is a main means of support, there are earth and Goddess powers.”
“Where hunting predominates, it’s male initiative that empowers the killing of animals.”
“Male = social order.”
“Female = nature order.”
“The male’s job is to relate to life.”
“The female’s job is to become it.”
“The Goddess gives birth to forms and kills, or takes these forms back.”
“Where male power dominates, you have separation.”
“Where female power dominates, there’s a non-dual, embracing quality.”