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A True Shaman or Medicine Person

Unread postPosted: Tue 10 Nov 2009 3:04 pm
by Sitting Owl
Regarding what makes a true shaman, medicine person, or holy person Fools Crow says:

“You can tell a true medicine person from an imitator by what they ask you for in return for their help… [Imitators] may talk well, and they may have created ceremonies [and healing modalities] that will charm you, but these will not be ceremonies that are traditional and that come from the Higher Powers. Remember that evil can work ceremonies too. The strongest protection we have against evil is our pipe… When we have the pipe in our hands and use it in ceremony it is the same as it would be for a Christian if he could hold Jesus Christ in his hands while he prays.”
[This is supposedly what communion is all about. Sitting Owl as Editor.]