A Prayer for Harmony
By: Fools Crow
Wakan-Tanka, I thank you for our ancestors, for the life they have given each of us, and for the traditions they have preserved and handed down to us.
Wakan-Tanka, I thank you for my life and the opportunity to know you, to serve you and to serve our people. Continue to make me a responsible person and help me add to the good things you and my ancestors have given me.
Wakan-Tanka, I thank you for those who are yet to come and who will carry on from where we leave off. Help them to preserve the traditional life for the generation to come after them so as to keep the hoop turning.
Wakan-Tanka, I thank you for my brothers and sisters who are here to share this precious moment. I pray that you will bless them and always be with them.
Mitakuye Oyasin