Cosmic Rhythms of Trees

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Cosmic Rhythms of Trees

Unread postby Kathryn » Wed 23 Sep 2009 12:59 pm

Many studies have been done of trees rhythms. Most of us know about the rings of a tree in reflection of growth and seasons. There is however other studies done about affluences of Moon, Planets and Supernovas which causes a detectable pulse of the tree.

Trees Pulse and breaths called contraction (exhale) and expansion (inhale).

As the tree moves to winter, there is an exhale (contraction). In its shift to hibernation, it is a pull inward because of a need to protect itself from frost. When the days start to become longer and the ground warmer, the tree begins a very slow movement to inhale (expansion). This build up of energy comes from the resources it has stored from the fall. It helps the next contraction to perform a growth bursts of it’s nubs it had prepared the year before. Thus begins the growing season cycle.

As the cycle continues, there is a slight expansion as the bud forms then a quick contraction as the leaf burst forward and grows. A slight expansion as the flower bud forms, then a contraction as the flower burst forward. An expansion as the flower matures and then a contraction as pollen is released. An expansion as the fruit begins to form and then contraction for the fruit to become and ripe and fall. A slow expansion as it prepares and hoards it energy, then a contraction as it prepares for winter once again.

During the growing season, length of Contraction and expansion is about a 2 week each. This goes along with planetary conjunctions and oppositions. They occur in a slightly different interval but are similar with a 14 day frequency.

During the mid 1970, the Russian Academy of Sciences analyzed an 807 year old Juniper tree. It was found on the mountains of Tajikistan at 3,500 feet altitude. They believed that with the thin air it could be accurately tested what direct cosmic radiation would do to growth. They were surprised to find that a slowing of growth to an almost stand still during recorded supernovas of 1607, 1770 and 1952. Sometimes this growth slowed for 15 years. It is reasonable speculation that trees can perceive cosmic changes as they occur.

The study of the solar system influence on earth is called scientifically as The Drop Method. This form of study is the impact of planetary constellations on water. The study and research shows how water reacts with in an organism during specific planetary cycle. This study shows up in the plant life cycle.

Lawrence Edwards, a mathematician who is the author of The Vortex of Life, was one of the first to have found that trees do indeed reflect the comic influences. He made a break through discovery that tree buds pulsate (contraction and expansion within a growth cycle) very subtly. Even during the winter months when it is thought all metabolisms is halted.

He found that this pulsation could be found in rhythmic alignment with different planetary bodies. Even though his specific studies were of only a few trees, each one had its specific planet that it would react to. All the trees were in cycle with the Earth, Sun and Moon, but each one had a third body. From only a few trees, however, he assumed that the species followed planet and not just the individual tree.

He shown that the Oak, he studied, would follow Moon-Mars, Beech Moon-Saturn, Elm Moon-Mercury, and Ash with Moon-Sun and Birch with Moon-Venus. The cherry was New Moon-Full Moon.

They would expand during these cycles or contract opposite the cycle. Although these trees are only a few that have been study, he did note that other flora would have the same pulse but instead of expanding during the peak cycle, they would contract.

Rudolf Steiner, Author of Spiritual Foundations for the Renewal of Agriculture, also did studies of cosmic formative forces. He found that biannual plants were most likely to reflect Mars but Deciduous trees are particularly influenced by Jupiter’s 12 year cycle. He found that Jupiter tree rings are slightly longer than the solar year of the earth.

He had shown that Jupiter trees, for the most part, do not routinely have blossoms. As such the cycles of Jupiter seems to give these trees a more reproductive cycle equal to those trees that do produce blossoms. Jupiter shrubs, compared to others, tend to be the larger of the variety of the whole shrub lines.

Mars Trees tend to have spines or thorns and a more zigzag growth in the crown. The influence of Mars rhythm can be seen in manifest of increases or decreases of tannic acid. It is theorized that because Mars orbits close to the earth, that is why there are constant drastic changes within the Mars tree.

A study of observing and noting natural growth patterns is called phase-shift. It has been scientifically proven that noted growth will be 1 day later in the following year. This will occur for about 7 years to which it will go back to the original day of the first year of study.

Scientist has yet to find why there is a 7 year pattern. The theory is because humans take 7 years to completely change all cells of the body, that there maybe some connection.

The plants own rhythm should not be totally reflective of the cosmos. The different fluxes of environments and season would produce more direct results. All the influences noted before can be disrupted by other forces. Such as accidental damage, man made constructions, power lines or the lights of a city lamp.

There has been extensive study done using technique called Kirlian photography. It was first discovered and used by Russian researchers; Sennyon and Valentina Kirlian. This was to capture on film the narrow band of radiation that surrounds organic tissue. They have shown how the existence of life gives off its own energy and can respond to out side stimuli, especially in leaves of Plants.

It is truly amazing how trees are very complicated organisms and reflect the flow and ebb and complications of the universe just as we do. It proves that the trees are not just inanimate objects that just change with the season. Trees are alive and aware of everything around them as we can also learn to be.

Through my own studies I have found relevance to which tree aspects and characteristics will follow a planetary body. Each tree and or species has patterns that are distinct within a set group of growth and life cycles.

? Earth: These trees can thrive just about any where, any soil, any environment. Most Conifers can be seen as trees of this planet.

? Sun: These trees show how they react to their own environment such as following the sun or turning away from a storm. They also offer food freely such as nut and fruit trees.

? Mars: These trees show a strong spirit of self protection and a need as a species to be aggressive in growth and expansion.

? Saturn: A tree works hard in thriving in its environment. Bristlecone Pine is a good example of such tree.

? Mercury: These trees have ways of telling the future. Coconut trees or conifers that drop its fruit on the head of the unwary or the Yucca trees that will not bloom in the spring when it knows no rain will be there in the fall are good examples of such trees.

? Ceres: These trees have a strong sense of what might happen and prepare accordingly. The Baobab tree is a good example of trees that follow Ceres. However trees that store its food in a root ball to be there for spring can also follow the sign of Ceres.

? Venus: These trees have a wide range of symbiotic relationships with other plants, animals and insects. Trees that continue to thrive as others take advantage of them. Swollen thorn acacia with the ants, fig trees with the wasps, Oaks with the Spanish moss or Sugar Maples that are tapped for its liquid. These are examples of Trees of Venus.

? Moon: These trees work with the natural environment. Some examples of Trees of the moon would be the willow with the wind, Bald Cypress with the water, Welwitschia with the desert heat.

? Jupiter: These trees do not like to stay in the place of their origins. The Aspen or Joshua tree that has a massive root system and many trees growing from them. A banyan tree is also an example of what a tree of Jupiter would be.

? Neptune: These trees have an aggressive strong root system, they seek to grow in and on rocks or in crevices to break ground; they change the soil ph or infuse the soil with nutrients.

? Uranus: These trees are usually found in history and have a very long life. The Bohdi Tree of Buddhism is a prime example.

? Pluto: These trees survive natural disasters that happen routinely. Fire, floods and droughts are trees of Pluto. Mesquite is a good example.

With that, have you hugged your Tree today? It might give back a sigh of satisfaction.

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